Subscription Coffee Service For Offices

Subscription Coffee Service For Offices

One of the easiest ways to keep an office coffee program running smoothly is to put your coffee on a subscription plan. This means regular deliveries of coffee right to your door. No packing up personal vehicles with office coffee or spending hours in line to get the good stuff. Here’s everything you need to know to set up regular coffee deliveries. 


Setting up a subscription office coffee service 


Determine how many people you need to serve coffee to

When setting up your subscription it will be important to know how many people expect a perfect cup every day. If you are buying whole bean or ground coffee, two 5-pound bags should be enough coffee for an office of 8-15 coffee drinkers. It will give you about 21 cups a day for two business weeks (assume Monday - Friday). If you have more people or if your office is open more days of the week, you might need to add a few pounds. But, for this size crew, you can get four 5-pound bags delivered each month. For cold brew coffee, you will need anywhere from 12 -20 ounces per person per day.

Decide how much storage space you have for coffee and other supplies and where you will keep them

For a small to medium-sized office, storing a few bags of coffee beans is easy, but as you add people and products you might need to find a bigger storage space. The amount of storage space will impact how much coffee you can order at one time. Our cold brew boxes are designed for easy storage,  and they do not need refrigeration until they have been opened. Making them the perfect choice for an office that wants to offer cold brew to employees. The less frequently you have to order the more convenient it is for you and the better it is for the environment. Fewer trips = smaller carbon footprint and that’s a win for you and mother nature!

Set up your subscription plan: how often will you need deliveries? 

At Wandering Bear, we recommend monthly deliveries, but understand that a larger team with limited storage space might need their coffee more often. If you order monthly, we’ll even sweeten the deal by offering an additional 10% discount - not only will you never run out of coffee, but you’ll also save some money! 

With an office coffee subscription, you and your team will be well caffeinated and better able to focus on the task at hand - getting your work done! By automating deliveries, your caffeine fix will be one less thing you have to think about or take time out of your day to handle - leaving more time for the important stuff. Contact us today to discuss your needs and set up the best office coffee program for your space. 

W. Bear