How To Take Your Office Coffee Bar Remote

How To Take Your Office Coffee Bar Remote

While a lot of employees enjoy working remotely one of the perks that they might miss is the office coffee station. Now, with a little planning and coordination, you can send the office coffee bar into your employees’ home offices. We think this is a great way to promote employee engagement and show your appreciation for the hard work your team members do, both in the office and working from home. 


Three tips for taking your office coffee bar remote: 


1. Provide individual versions of your team’s favorite drinks 

At Wandering Bear, we make it easy for you to provide the same great coffee at home as you do in the office. Our cold brew is available in one-gallon boxes and  96 oz boxes which are perfect for the home refrigerator. We also offer single-serve cartons. Our boxes and cartons can be easily stored and only have o be refrigerated after opening, keeping your coffee fresh! 


2. Send deliveries regularly 

Just like in the office, you can send deliveries to employees’ homes at a regular frequency. Make sure you aren’t sending too much at a time or team members with limited space may have trouble storing their haul. Smaller bags and single-serve options are great for the occasional coffee drinker as well. Our subscription programs make it easy to set up regular coffee deliveries for each employee.


3. Hold a virtual coffee break 

One of the best parts of office coffee is casually chatting with colleagues over a cup. Try to hold coffee breaks with team members over Zoom, Slack, Teams, or Hangouts. You can use this time to chat with direct reports or “skip level” reports if you are in a larger organization. You may also want to try pairing up peer groups or people from other departments to get to know each other. You never know what people might learn about each other over a coffee. 

While it may have seemed overwhelming to send the coffee bar home with your employees, we make it easy. Contact us today so we can learn more about your team and their coffee needs. We’ll set up the right subscription so that your team members have plenty of their favorite coffee no matter where they are working.

W. Bear